


When you step back to see what you've built, it's more than a building. It is a great life and a great career. Construction is a hard and rewarding trade, and it directly connects to the strength of the U.S. economy. Your role and skill matter. Complete just four courses, then move into a job or an apprenticeship. 

What You Learn in Construction

Start with workplace and tool safety, then move into foundation, floor, wall, stair, and ceiling construction. Learn interior finishing skills, too. Leave EICC with an OSHA 10-Hour General Industry card.

A Solid Foundation

Building Techniques I

Brick by brick

Building Techniques

Start with the foundation. Learn concrete. Block. Brick. Then move to the walls.

Workplace Safety

Do it right

Workplace Safety

Learn to ID and abate workplace and health hazards.

Applied Math

Catered for you

Applied Math

Compute area and volume, convert units of measure, and more. Skills specific to construction.

Building Techniques II


Building Techniques II

Build stairs, install HVAC, put down the floor, then finish.

Similar Programs

Not quite right? Consider these instead:

Two students talking with Student Services staff member

Iowa's Last-Dollar Scholarship

You may be eligible to earn a degree in this high-demand field for zero tuition costs! File for financial aid and if you qualify, the state covers the remaining balance beyond the aid for which you are eligible. More than two dozen career programs qualify, including this one. File your FAFSA by July 15.

Learn More
Student working on equipment

Start in High School

Get a jump on your college education while you're in high school. Choose a Career Academy and complete a semester to a full year of courses. It's free for most students and cuts down on the time you spend completing your EICC degree, often in half. Save time and money, and launch your career sooner.





Ready to Launch?

Start here. Earn a certificate. Build new skills in a short-term program. Step into the field and enjoy the edge you now have in the job market. From baking to digital analytics, we give you a launching pad.

Where do you want to go?


Employment and Wage Outlook

Contact Block

Contact the admissions representative from the college you plan to attend. If you’re not sure, you may contact any rep. Each can answer questions about any college or program.

Office hours - Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.


Construction Certificate: Locations

Clinton Community College

1000 Lincoln Blvd.
Clinton, IA 52732
Map and Directions