Faculty & Staff

Jobie Lekwa
“I would not be the person I am today without the amazing staff and faculty.”
Jobie Lekwa, Graduate 2022
Claudia Artola
“The teachers, students and groups, they just offered me that sense of like a big hug. It’s like ‘hi, you are welcome here.’ I just started being more talkative and extroverted, taking on more leadership and just feeling more confident in general.”
Claudia Artola
Instructor and students in classroom

Campus Safety

Learn more about safety and security policies, procedures, and tools.

Campus Security
Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)
Weather Closure Notifications
2022 Emeritus Group

Emeritus Award

Begun in 2015, the award recognizes those retired and retiring faculty and staff who served lengthy careers of dedicated service to the college. To be considered, an individual must have served at least 15 years at EICC and made significant contributions to the college, communities and their disciplines or professions.

See All the Emeritus Award Recipients

Employee Development Funds

The development of Eastern Iowa Community Colleges' faculty and staff is important to the teaching and learning mission of the college. The Chancellor has established two new funds to support ongoing education and training for employees: the Employee Educational Advancement Fund and the Employee Professional Development Fund.