Disability Services
We believe all students have a right to higher education, and that includes having access and the opportunity to succeed in our programs.
EICC Disability Services helps students with disabilities find and implement reasonable academic accommodations. To do so, a Disability Service Provider (DSP) balances the needs of the student and the academic objectives of the program. To get this process underway, complete an application and provide documentation of the disability.

The accommodation process involves input from both the student and the Disability Service Provider (DSP). To determine appropriate accommodations, the DSP engages in an individualized inquiry that balances the needs of the student and the academic objectives of the course or program.
Apply for Accommodations
Accommodations for High School Students
Delivery of accommodation services for high school students enrolled in College Connections are provided in accordance with the same policies and procedures provided for all Eastern Iowa Community College students. There are some differences in disability laws that students need to be aware of when taking classes either at their high school, a community college, or a university.
LEARN MORE ABOUT SERVICES FOR CONCURRENT STUDENTSApply for Accommodations as a concurrent student

Housing Accommodations
Muscatine Community College recognizes the importance of providing reasonable accommodations in its housing policies and practices where necessary for students with disabilities to use and enjoy college housing.
Service & Emotional Support Animals
The ADA defines a service animal as a dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for a person with disabilities, regardless of whether or not the dog is licensed or certified by state or local agency. MCC allows such service animals on campus to facilitate full participation and equal access to programs and activities to a person with disabilities. MCC also allows emotional support animals in student housing if it provides a person with a mental health disability the equal opportunity to enjoy student housing.
EICC ensures that our programs, activities, and services comply with provisions of state and federal civil rights legislation for persons with disabilities. The Americans with Disability Act (ADA) defines a person with a disability as any person who has a record of, or is regarded as having, a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity.
According to the ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, an “otherwise qualified individual with a disability” is a person who, with or without reasonable accommodations, can meet the essential program or course requirements. District policy calls for reasonable accommodations to be made for these individuals on a case-by-case basis. However, it is the responsibility of the student to seek available assistance at each college, to complete the Student Disabilities Services application, and to provide current documentation of disability.
Students with disabilities may use services and reasonable accommodations to reduce the effects that a disability may have on their performance in an academic setting. Services, however, do not lower course standards or alter degree requirements but instead give students a better chance to demonstrate their academic abilities.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Have questions about accommodations at EICC? Check out our list of frequently asked questions.
Are you a faculty member with questions about student accommodations? See our FAQs for Faculty.
It is up to you, the student, whether or not you choose to use your accommodations. You are not required to, but it may be very beneficial.
You are responsible for scheduling testing appointments with the Test Center 48 hours in advance. The instructor’s role is to send a digital copy of the test to the Test Center 24 hours in advance.
Yes, if you take a test in the classroom, you do not receive extended time.
No, retakes are not allowed. If you choose to take your test in class, then the results of that test stand. You cannot go back and retake the test with accommodations.
You must take the test by the date agreed upon with the instructor. It is your responsibility to make and keep your appointments. If you miss (or do not make) your appointment, you will receive a zero for the test (or will receive the same result as any other student who misses a test, per faculty’s policy).
You are strongly encouraged to remind your instructor of your testing accommodations before tests or quizzes, especially early in the semester. Your instructor may have over 100 students each semester, so reminders are always helpful! Overall, the more communication you have with your instructor, the more smoothly things will go.
Please see information for the three campus testing sites:

Clinton Community College Testing Center

Muscatine Community College Testing Center

Urban Campus Testing Center
Please bring a photo ID, any log-in information needed, and any materials needed beyond scratch paper, pencils and a basic calculator.
The instructor is responsible. When the instructor submits the test to the Test Center, he or she will indicate the amount of time you will receive for the test. However, you will need to know the amount of time you get, so that you can schedule the right amount of time for testing.
The instructor is responsible to extend time for every quiz and test in Canvas. It is a good idea for you to double check with the instructor before the first quiz or test to make sure they have extended the time.
EICC Educational Accommodations Policy
Eastern Iowa Community Colleges endorses the principle of equal educational opportunities for all people, regardless of disability, in the educational programs or activities it operates. Empowerment of the student, versus dependence on the system shall be the philosophy governing decisions and services.
Eastern Iowa Community Colleges endorses the principle of equal educational opportunities for all people, regardless of disability, in the educational programs or activities it operates. Empowerment of the student, versus dependence on the system shall be the philosophy governing decisions andservices.
EICC is committed to ensuring that students with disabilities are not denied access to, the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination under any program or activity because of the absence of auxiliary aids or services. The evaluation of student performance, including course examinations and other measures of student achievement, will be provided with appropriate accommodations to ensure the evaluation represents the student’s achievement in the course, rather than reflecting the impact of the student’s disability. Documentation of the eligibility for accommodation is required and will be maintained in confidential files. The Disability Service Provider on each campus is qualified and authorized to determine accommodations. Referrals to Adult Service Agencies may be utilized to assist students in acquiring additional services.
- Documentation of Disability:
Documentation must verify that the individual is a person with a disability as defined in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and 2010. Eastern Iowa Community College District requires that students with disabilities who request accommodations provide adequate documentation from an appropriately credentialed professional. Credentialed professionals may include, but are not limited to, physicians, psychologists, audiologists, or other licensed authorities as determined by the type of disability.
Documentation must establish the need for an accommodation in order for the individual to have full access to educational opportunities.
Documentation must be current. Currency is dependent upon the disabling condition, the current impact of the disability on the student, and the student’s request for accommodations.
EICC and its designated Disability Service Providers on each campus are responsible for the implementation of the accommodation policy in cooperation with faculty and staff. - Confidentiality
Disability documentation and information is considered confidential (as per Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act and Title I of the ADA). This information will be held in the office of the Disability Service Provider on each campus. It is to be kept in secure files with limited access and is to be shared on a need-to-know basis. - Accommodations
It is the responsibility of the individual with a disability to initiate contact with the Disability Service Provider to request academic accommodations.
Classroom/testing accommodations or other necessary arrangements are determined by the Disability Service Providers on each campus. A written set of accommodations is developed for each individual who meets the definition of an “individual with a disability” and is “otherwise qualified.” Accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis and are formulated on ow the disability impacts access to educational services and activities. Reasonable accommodations may vary from student to student based on the needs of the particular individual requesting an accommodation. - Course Substitution
Course substitution may be considered an accommodation based on the nature and severity of the disability, but only when making the substitution would not substantially change an essential element of the curriculum. To be eligible to apply under this policy, the student must meet the requisite academic and technical standards required for admission or participation in the program major. - “Full-time status” designation for reduced load
Full-time status may be designated to a student with a documented disability who is carrying a reduced load for the purpose of health insurance, academic honors, and scholarship awards. Full-time designation under these circumstances does not impact Federal Financial Aid guidelines. Student requests for full-time status designation are to be submitted to the Disability Service Provider who will make recommendations to the Dean of Student Development after careful review of the documentation. - Appeal
Any individual (student/staff/faculty) may question an accommodation or the response/lack of response to a disability related request through the Disability Service Providers through an informal appeal process.
If the question is not resolved through the informal process, the individual may formally appeal in writing, within two weeks, to the Dean of Students Development (for student appeals) or the Dean of Academic Affairs (for staff and faculty appeals) for resolution. - Technology
EICC is committed to providing access to technology and technology-based educational opportunities for students with disabilities.
Contact the Disability Service Provider at your campus:

Charlott Glowacki, Disability Service Provider
Clinton Community College

Kerry Dalbey, Disability Service Provider
Muscatine Community College, Loper – 109

Alyse Schmidt, Disability Service Provider
Scott Community College, Academic Support Center – Room 2013 A

Jen Aplington, Disability Service Provider
SCC Academic Support Center Room 2013 B