Accommodations for Concurrent Students

Delivery of accommodation services for high school students enrolled in College Connections are provided in accordance with the same policies and procedures provided for all Eastern Iowa Community College students.

There are some differences in disability laws that students need to be aware of when taking classes either at their high school, a community college, or a university.

Differences in Disability Law


  • IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973
  • The school district is responsible for identifying the student’s disability
  • Students have Individual Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan to modify or accommodate identified needs and/or define educational goals.
  • Parents are actively involved in their student’s educational planning. They can discuss their progress with teachers and counselors, as well as sign documents on behalf of their student
  • Schools have a system set up for providing transportation to and from high school


  • ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973
  • Students must self-identify by requesting accommodations and providing documentation
  • Students do not have IEP or 504 Plan, but instead receive accommodations to ensure equal access to educational opportunities
  • Students are responsible for making decisions and signing documentation themselves
  • Students must sign a “release of information” for parents to speak with college personnel
  • Students are responsible for finding their own transportation to and from campus for classes

Modification examples based on IEPs

These are allowed in High School but NOT allowed in college.

  • Completing only 50% of questions on a test
  • Having only choices A and B on a multiple choice test Unlimited time on exam
  • Writing a 5-page paper instead of a 10-page paper
  • Being allowed to turn in assignments late or take tests multiple times to improve grade Study guides or note cards for tests

Accommodation examples based on ADA

These are allowed in college.

  • Extended test time
  • Testing in a reduced distraction area
  • Use of text-to-speech software to have test read aloud
  • Accessible textbooks
  • Copies of lecture notes from student or instructor (not to be used on tests)
  • Record lecture

Setting up Accommodations for Concurrent Students

For high school students attending classes on an EICC college campus or online, you must self-identify by contacting the Disability Service Provider at your campus. You will need to submit an intake form and documentation of your disability. This information is used to create a Letter of Accommodation (LOA) to be renewed each semester. Students are responsible for sharing their LOA with instructor(s).

For high school students attending classes in your high school building, work with your high school IEP or 504 Team to set up appropriate accommodations according to college disability laws. There is no need for the student to meet with EICC Disability Resources. However, the IEP team or concurrent faculty member may contact Disability Resources for consult.