High School Orientation
How is this different than High School?
Are you in high school and in college? Good for you. Your initiative is worthy of applause. And our expectations of you are the same as every other EICC college student.
- Your course syllabus is key and lets you know when homework is due and a test is on the horizon.
- Your instructors will teach, and may not remind you when and what is due. Use a planner to keep track.
- You are fully responsible for showing up for class and your progress through the semester. We do not contact your parents.
- Your EICC grades will be recorded on your permanent college transcript and will follow you throughout your college career.
- If you drop a class, your transcript will be noted with a “W”
- To read the syllabus carefully
- To attend class and be on time
- To turn in assignments on time and according to instructions
- To let them know if you are having difficulty or have questions. For extra help, e-mail your instructors or see them during their office hours
- That you understand their expectations of you are the same as all students. An instructor may seem ‘tough;' that's because they want you well prepared when you transfer to a 4-year institution
- Go to every class and be on time
- Let your instructor know if you have an emergency and cannot attend a class
- Get all lecture notes from the class you missed
- Be prepared
- Read all materials before class
- Take good notes
- Ask questions. If you have a question the odds are someone else does, too. Don’t be afraid to be the one to ask.
- Don't miss quizzes or tests
- Hand in your assignments on time and make sure they are legible
- Build a study plan, allowing enough time for adequate test review so you will not need to ‘cram’
- Identify campus resources and use them all the way through the term, not just before tests, like tutoring, library, computer lab, advisors, and more.
FERPA: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act was passed by Congress in 1974. It allows you the right to inspect and review your own educational records. This right is limited solely to you. FERPA prevents non-directory/confidential information from being released to anyone other than you. FERPA does not allow parental access to post-secondary student educational records without your written permission.
- Who is covered by FERPA: Anyone who is enrolled at a post-secondary institution. Coverage under this act begins upon enrollment. It also protects former students.
- Compliance with FERPA regulations allows EICC to offer Title IV funding (federal financial aid) to students.
- An “Educational Record” is any record maintained by the institution or its affiliates
which is related to you.
- personal information (name, etc)
- enrollment records/schedule
- student’s exams or papers
- grades
- Directory Information at EICCD:
- name, address, phone, email
- date and place of birth
- photograph, artwork,or writing
- major field of study
- dates of attendance
- enrollment status
- degrees and awards received
- academic honors
We're all here for you. Just reach out.
- Instructors: Do not hesitate to contact us for questions and additional help in your course.
- Advisors: We can help with questions regarding registration, how courses transfer, or where to get help.
- High School Counselors: They can provide valuable information about the classes you are taking.
- Tutoring Center: In-person or online tutoring in all subjects.
- Library: We have a wealth of resources, computers, and study areas for you to use.
- Computer Lab: Day and evenings. Our labs are open to you.
- More questions? Contact:
Nikki Gullion, Dean of Curriculum and Concurrent Enrollment
There are times the college may close due to inclement weather. You can check the website for notifications.
It is important to remember that we do not always close our campus on the same days the local school systems do. If your high school is closed and we are open, you are expected to attend class.
Find more information in the Student Handbook and the College Connections Student and Parent Handbook.
Connect With Your Advisor
If you’re planning to attend a certain campus, select that campus and contact any listed advisor. If you’re unsure about your campus selection, feel free to contact any advisor for help.
Concurrent Advisors

Joe Shovlain
Concurrent Advisor
Office 100B
Advises High School Concurrent: Clinton, Career Academies
College & Career Transition Counselors/Coaches

Holly Hansen
College & Career Transition Counselor/Coach
Serves Cal-Wheat and DeWitt Central High Schools

Lorene McLaughlin
College & Career Transition Counselor/Coach
Serves Bellevue and Maquoketa High Schools

Marla Schultz
College & Career Transition Counselor/Coach
Serves Clinton and Easton Valley High Schools
Concurrent Advisors

Anabelia Calderon-Flores
Concurrent Advisor
Advises Durant and Muscatine High Schools
College & Career Transition Counselors/Coaches

Mikayla Cardenas
College & Career Transition Counselor/Coach
Serves Muscatine High School

Patricia Madden
College & Career Transition Counselor/Coach
Serves Durant and North Scott High Schools

Theresa Putnam Genz
College & Career Transition Counselor/Coach
Serves Columbus Junction and Louisa-Muscatine High Schools

Sara Schnepper
College & Career Transition Counselor/Coach
Serves Wilton and West Liberty High Schools
Concurrent Advisors

Molly Gleason
Concurrent Advisor
Advises Assumption, Davenport Central and Davenport North High Schools

Lori Perez
Concurrent Advisor
Advises Davenport West and North Scott High Schools

Jill Spengler
Concurrent Advisor
Advises Bettendorf and Pleasant Valley High Schools
College & Career Transition Counselors/Coaches

Patricia Madden
College & Career Transition Counselor/Coach
Serves North Scott High School