Accessing Your EICC Accounts
- See Setting up your Password (Accessing your account for the first time)
- See EICConnect Walkthrough
- See Using Multi-Factor Authentication
- See Accessing your Email
Setting up your Password
You should have received an email sent to the email account you provided on your EICC application. The email contains your EICC Student ID number, username, and EICC email address. Please allow 24 hours for account provisioning, then follow the steps below to complete your account setup.
- Go to EICConnect at
- At the Sign in screen, click the "Can’t access your account?” link before attempting to log in.
- Enter your EICC email address and the characters displayed. Click Next.
- Verify your cell phone number and alternate email address.
- Click “Next” when finished.
If you no longer have access to the cell phone number or email address, you must update your information with the Registrar's Office by using the Record Information Update Form found here: - Enter the verification code sent to you for each method.
- After completing the verification steps, you will enter a new password. Click Finish.
- On the confirmation screen Click Finish.
Please contact:
Monday – Thursday, 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Available on weekends by email,
Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
By phone 563-336-3456 or email
EICConnect Walkthrough
Your guide to navigating and using the new EICConnect. Learn more about the new features in EICConnect.
When you try to access EICConnect, you will be presented with an EICC branded login page. You can log in with your or email and password. If you need help signing in, please contact the helpdesk.
The home page is the first page you will see when logging in. The announcements at the top are posted by EICC and you will only see the announcements targeted at you. Announcements expire at their end time and are sorted by their start time. The cards you see below the announcements on this page are customizable by you. You can organize cards by grabbing the top of a card and dragging it to the desired position. A card can also be removed from this view by clicking the grey bookmark in the top right of a card (Don’t worry any card can be brought back from the Discover page).
Clicking the hamburger button in the top left will pull out the navigation menu. Home is a customized view of all the cards you want to see as well as the announcements targeted to you. Discover is the place to find new cards to add to your Home page. Academics, Community, Reporting, and My Account are views that show cards directly related to those topics. Those cards can still be found in Discover and added to your Home page but it is an organized way to view cards by topic. Profile will show you your profile details and Sign out will sign you out of EICConnect. The resources section contains some important links that are useful to everyone. Below the resources section are the social media links for EICC.
The Discover page is where all cards exist that you have access to. From here you can click the bookmark icon on any card you would like to see on your home page. This will add them to your home page and you can organize the card there. You can search for cards using the search bar or you can click one of the tags across the top to see cards tagged with that topic.
The Academics, Community, Reporting, and My Account are simply views of the Discover page that only contains the cards related to the topic. For example, the Academics page shows all cards available to you that are related to academics. Just like the Discover page, you can search or filter for cards using the search bar or tags.
Using Multi-Factor Authentication
There are 2 ways to use Multi-factor Authentication to access your account, using the Microsoft Authenticator App installed on your phone, or by text message. It is recommended you use the Microsoft Authenticator App.
- On your phone go to your phone’s App Store (Google Play Store or Apple Store)
- Search for Microsoft Authenticator
- Install the App
- Click the + in the upper right-hand corner of the App
- Choose Work or School Account
- Click Sign in, enter your EICC email address and password. Click Finish.
When signing into EICConnect, enter your email and password. An approval request will be sent to your phone.
When signing into EICConnect, enter your email and password. A code will be sent by text to your phone. Enter the code you received.
Accessing your Email
- Go to EICConnect at
- Enter your EICC email address and password
- Authenticate using the Authenticator App (or enter the text code) when prompted
- Click the My Email link found under Important Links on the left-hand side of the screen.
- Open the email application on your phone.
- Click Add Account
- If prompted choose type “Exchange and Microsoft 365”.
- On the sign in screen enter your EICC email address then click Next.
- Choose “Work or School Account”
- Enter your password.
- Authenticate using the Authenticator App (or enter the text code) when prompted.
- Click ‘OK’ and ‘Allow’ or “Activate” on any prompts.
If you need further assistance, please contact:

Monday – Thursday, 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
By phone 563-336-3456 or email
Available on weekends by email,