Campus Security

The following statements provide information regarding compliance with the requirements under the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act also known as the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Act. This information is distributed to all students and staff through the college portal and is made available to other individuals upon request. The report provides statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on the EICC campuses; in certain off-campus buildings and property; or public property immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campuses. The report also includes information about institutional policies concerning campus security.

The reports are prepared in conjunction with local law enforcement to accurately show the activities on the campuses.

For more information refer to the Student Handbook.

Campus Crime Statistics Support Annual Campus Safety and Security Report

EICC takes every possible precaution for crime prevention. Should an individual observe a crime or suspicious behavior at one of the EICC locations, the victim or persons having knowledge of the incident should immediately contact the local law enforcement at 9-911. Additionally, the behavior should be reported to the Dean of Student Development or Facilities Manager. The district Administrative Procedures Manual contains the policies of the District relative to campus security procedures and the reporting of incidents. This manual is available at each college and can be accessed from the District Intranet site.

Security systems are in place at facilities owned or controlled by the college. The Facilities Manager is responsible for ensuring that security systems are in place which protect and control access to the buildings. District buildings are generally open Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to the end of classes.  The facilities may be open at other times for special events, or by arrangements.

In the event that a situation arises, either on or off campus, that, in the judgment of the Dean of Student Development, constitutes an ongoing or continuing threat, a campus wide timely warning will be issued without delay. This warning will be posted on monitor systems throughout the campuses, as well as through the EICC Alert system, and over the intercom system as appropriate.

In the effort to keep students safe and informed in weather and other emergency situations, EICC provides a mobile text message alert system to help notify students, faculty, and staff of school closings and other important information with EICC Alert.  All current students and staff can quickly and easily enroll in this program at no additional expense.

EICC takes the safety of its students and staff seriously.  Incidences should be made to the Dean of Student Development of Facility Manager or the building manager at each location.  These individuals will assess the report and determine the need for additional action.  In the event of an incident that involves an immediate threat of the health or safety of students and staff, a notification will be made using the monitor system, intercom system at each locations, and EICC Alert. The announcement will advise the actions that should be taken by all individuals. As appropriate, information regarding incidences on campus will be released to community resources.


Plans for each EICC location are posted on line and outline the steps that should be taken in case of emergencies. Fire and weather condition procedures are posted in each room. Regular drills are scheduled for each location.

Annually, the college provides programming that includes student orientation, and activities designed to make people aware of their own security and the security of others. In the best interest of the entire college community, EICC students and staff are collectively encouraged to use good judgment in their actions on or around the college campuses. The individual well-being of each person should be the overriding goal all people associated with the Community College District. EICC will remain diligent in its efforts to promote a safe and secure campus environment.

Any individual who is a victim of a sexual assault or is aware of someone who is a victim is encouraged to report the assault to the local police and to the Dean of Student Development. The local police department has law enforcement authority for campus crimes. The Student Handbook provides additional guidance for steps to take in case of a sexual assault.

Iowa law requires a person who has been convicted of a sex offense crime anywhere to register with the sheriff in the county in which they reside. Information about sex offenders is maintained by the Iowa Department of Public Safety and can be accessed at

EICC encourages all students and staff to be aware of their surroundings. Students and staff are encouraged to keep their personal belongings in sight at all times.Should any suspicious behavior be observed, it should be reported to the Dean of Student Development or facility manager.

EICC prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of controlled substances by students and employees on property owned or leased by EICC or in conjunction with EICC sponsored activities. Violations of this policy will result in the initiation of disciplinary action. Alcohol beverages may be allowed at certain college events with prior administrative approval. The guidelines for the utilization of alcoholic beverages at student events are available from the designated college activities coordinator. Violation of the district policies regarding alcoholic beverages will result in disciplinary action.

Muscatine Community College maintains residences halls for students enrolled at MCC.

Annual Fire Report